Do you really know the people around you?
Бул соода-сатык суроолору оюну - #nosmalltalk аркылуу бири-бириңизди билип алыңыз

Deep бир
- Адамдардын ортосундагы көпүрө
- Сүйлөшүүнү баштоо
- Trade-Free game, meaning you don´t have to give anything in return for playing the game. No money, no data, nothing. It´s trade-free 🙂
Сиз мүмкүн
- чогуу жүргөн адамдар менен чындап таанышуу
- өзүңдө көбүрөөк тереңдик түзүү
- сен жактырган адамды сүйүп калуу
- кызыктуу темалар жана идеялар жөнүндө сүйлөшүү

Ойноонун жолдору
1. Take & Answer (best for 2-6 people)
One takes a card, reads it out loud, and answers the question. Anyone who likes to answer the question as well, can answer it.
Discussions can go on as long as wanted.
Then the next person takes a card and so on.
2. LetGuess (best for 2-6 people)
One takes a card, reads it out loud, and the others try to guess what his/her answers to the question would be.
Discussions can go on as long as wanted.
Then the next person takes a card and so on.
3. Conversation Starter (best for 4-20 people)
When meeting up in a group, every new person that joins can take a card and answer the question. People who are already there can ask more questions on top of it.
4. NoAnswer – TakeAction (Best for 2-10 people)
Take a card, person A can decide if she/he wants to answer the question. If not, up to 3 people can give alternative actions she/he has to do. She/he picks one action to do. Alternatively, actions can be determined before. Then the next person takes a card…

онлайн же оффлайнда ойноо
Маанилүү маектериңизден көңүл ачып, ырахаттаныңыз enjoy

Do you have a good question for the game which is missing, suggestions or do you want to translate this game into your language?
Бул жерде мени менен байланышуудан тартынба